
Chausies are very active, assertive cats. They are excellent jumpers and hunters. They need time and attention, especially interactive play.
In 5 Words
- Elegant
- Hunter
- Wild
- Playful
- Loving
Size: Large
15 – 25 pounds | male
15 – 20 pounds | female
Origin: Egypt
Life Span: About 10-12 years
Colour: solid black, black grizzled tabby, and black

Learn About the Chausie
The Chausie originated in the 1960s when Jungle Cats (Felis chaus), a wild species found in parts of the Far and Middle East, were bred to Domestic Shorthairs to create a hybrid cat. Jungle Cats were revered in ancient Egypt and have been found mummified in Egyptian tombs.
The Chausie breed was granted foundation registry status by The International Cat Association (TICA) in 1995. The breed advanced to Evaluation status in 2002, and one year later, achieved Advanced New Breed. Chausie breeders are currently working toward Championship status.
The Chausie, pronounced “chow-see” is a fully domestic breed that strongly resembles the Jungle Cat, Felis chaus. In Egypt, more than three thousand years ago, two species of wild cat found their way into Egyptian homes. One was Felis lybica, and the other was Felis chaus.
The Chausie has a wild look, with a long, slender body and large, tufted ears. They are elegant in appearance and statuesque, with a large to medium body. Males are considerably larger than females.
Chausies come in three acceptable colors: brown-ticked tabby, solid black, and silver tipped.
The demand lots of attention, and the Chausie is highly affectionate, active and intelligent. They can be very entertaining, but their energy levels are exhausting. Chausies manage fine with other cats and dogs, but they don’t work well for families with young children. Also, hide the breakables away and keep your eye on your Chausie; they like to get into mischief.
The Chausie cat is a hybrid of domestic cats and wild Jungle Cats. They have the genial nature of a domestic cat but the beauty and elegance of a Jungle Cat. Chausies demand lots of attention and they are affectionate, active, and highly intelligent.
Some Chausies cannot tolerate gluten, and may require special diets. Of course, high-protein, low-carbohydrate diets are ideal for all cats, not just Chausies.
Grooming: The Chausie’s short coat only requires an occasional brushing. However they do enjoy the attention that comes with a weekly brushing.
Feeding: High quality well-balanced diet. Food with gluten should be avoided. When buying a new kitten it’s always a good idea to have a discussion on proper nutrition with your breeder.