Entries by Tristan G

Tips to Make Caring for Your Dog a Breeze

The dogs provide their owners with the unconditional love, loyalty and pleasure. However, they don’t ask much in return. After the adjustment period which takes up to two weeks, caring for your dog should become a routine. In exchange for a lifetime friendship, you have to provide shelter, water, food, veterinary care and exercise to […]

Find Out How Police K-9 Dogs are Trained

How Police K-9 Dogs are Trained? For thousands of years dogs and humans live in together. One of the smartest things humans did after the invention of the wheel is domestication of the dogs. Side by side, dogs and people made it through many centuries, wars, even space programs. Furthermore, in addition to being the […]

Is Your Dog Food Harming Your Dog

You are certainly familiar with the situation that during the lunch your dog is lurking near the table looking at you with his eager eyes, waiting for some treat.  He is acting like his last meal was couple of days ago. It is well known that dogs are very trusting pets. They will, probably, eat […]

Looking for the Best Dogs for House Guards?

Looking for the Best Dogs for House Guards? Here Are Our Top 10. Since they were first domesticated, dogs served men as guards. In the whole animal kingdom, dogs are at the top of the affection list. A good guard dog should be loyal to the owner, intelligent, strong and courageous.  Many dogs will alert you to […]

What Are the Top 10 Most Intelligent Dogs?

Every dog owner thinks that his dog is the smartest dog around (well at least a few we know!). Of course only a few of them would be right. Don’t despair if your dog’s breed isn’t on the list. Some highly intelligent dogs are very hard to train or act destructively when alone in the […]

Dogs Lifespan Vs Human Lifespan – A Comparison

Dogs Lifespan Vs Human Lifespan – A Comparison Relationship between a dog and a man is probably the closest in the pet’s world. There are hundreds of situations which confirm this theory. No man can love his golden fish, miniature turtle or parrot as much as a dog. Unfortunately, our pet’s life is shorter than […]

Short, Fun & Interesting Dog Facts

Dogs are fascinating creatures with quirks and charming habits that we love them for. There always seems more to learn about these incredible four-legged friends.   For example – did you know that some dogs can learn over 1,000 words or that their noses are as unique as human fingerprints? Or maybe you’ve wondered why […]