What makes the Australian Bulldog Unique?
Australian Bulldogs are a loving and loyal breed that enjoys spending time with their family. They love to play and they get along well with children. Because of their high intelligence, Australian Bulldogs respond well to obedience training. They are also a very easy breed to train from home. The Australian Bulldog is genuinely good-natured and loyal with a stable, kind temperament. They are alert and will make good watchdogs, but they are not guard dogs. Australian Bulldogs aren’t aggressive towards people, animals, or other dogs. They seek affection and comfort from their owners, and they have a personable demeanor. Without proper training, Australian Bulldogs can become a bit rambunctious.
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Is the Australian Bulldog Right For You?
A proud looking dog when viewed with expression. Great family companion enjoying affection from its owners. Should not show aggression towards people. Lay back easy going nature, while having good watch dog abilities. Very stable in nature with a predictable character. Enjoys playing in the water. Best to start obedience training and socialization at an early age. Aussie Bulldog lifespan if on a good diet and exercised regularly should live to 10 or more years.
In 5 Words
- Loyal
- Fierce in appearance
- Extremely outgoing
- Affectionate
- Predictable

Learn About the Australian Bulldog
The body Structure overall should be one of great strength with good thickness of bone with males being Solid and compact with good muscle tone.
Nice long Bodies on the females is preferred as a rule due to being better whelpers than a short bodied female. Preferred a nice level top line with tail cartridge straight off the back being docked or not. Moderate turn of stifle and hock angulations.
Chest area should be broad with the brisket well let down. Front to be straight with good shoulder placement. Body coat preferred short & smooth, not thick or rough.
The Head structure of an Aussie Bulldog is one of its main attributes being very strong and square in appearance having good depth and width of muzzle with a pronounced stop between the eyes and have 1/3 folds of wrinkle across the nose.
Eye placement to be wide apart being large & clean in appearance. Mouth to be up to 1/4 inch undershot but breeding towards a near level bite preferred.
Teeth to be of good size and well placed within the mouth. Jaw structure preferred wide and square top and bottom. The Aussie Bulldog comes in a variation of wonderful colors.
Being in shades of fawn, apricot, orange, red, mahogany, white and being at least 5 shades of brindle including, red brindle, fawn brindle, black brindle, mahogany brindle, silver brindle. Aussies also come in pied coloring with pied being one color more dominant than the other, with an arrangement of patches on the body that is quite appealing.
Short History of the Australian Bulldog
The Australian Bulldog, originally known as the Aussie Bulldog, is a developing dog breed from Australia. Selective breeding was begun in the 1990s by breeders who wished to create a dog with the look of a Bulldog without that breed’s inherent health problems. There were two independent breeding programs, one by Noel and Tina Green (the JAG line) and a separate program by Pip Nobes (the Nobes Australian Bulldog/ Wingara lines). Each has its own separate registries.
he only incorporated and constituted body for the breed is the Australian Bulldog Society or A.B.S, founded by Pip Nobes. The A.B.S will only register Australian Bulldog over Australian Bulldog litters, they are currently conducting its first 5 year census, working toward the A.B.S Australian Bulldogs being recognised by the ANKC as a breed. The United Aussie Bulldog Association U.A.B.A(formed in 2003) is run by Noel and Tina Green, this registry is still actively registering British Bulldog over Aussie Bulldog litters.
Loyal, fierce in appearance, but extremely outgoing and affectionate in nature. Very stable and predictable. Enjoys activity, however a lot of exercise is not necessary for health and mental stability. The breed craves human attention. Some may not tolerate aggressive overtures by other dogs.
Caring for Your Australian Bulldog
General Health
Although breeders have produced an even tempered, loyal and affectionate dog, other health and breeding related issues have been ignored. Many dogs still being bred today have difficulties related to breathing, eye irritation, bad knee, hip and elbow joints, eczema, heart problems and breeding difficulties. Quite a list considering the one dog may suffer every one of those conditions.
The original intention of the breeder was to eliminate defects seen in many Bulldogs, such as breathing difficulties due to an elongated soft palate, skin fold eczema, and caesarean births. The first crosses between Bulldogs and Boxers or Bull Terriers have seen most defects eliminated but in the long term, genetically, these could return if matings are not carefully monitored.
Grooming & Bathing
Low maintenance is among the plus aspects in owning an Australian Bulldog. This breed’s smooth short coat is uncomplicated to maintain. No professional grooming will be essential for this breed. The Australian Bulldog is an average shedder. A firm bristled brushed used two to three occasions every week will be sufficient to sustain the good problem of the hair. Bathing ought to be on a essential time frame only. However, the folds about the skin color of the puppy should be wiped clean daily to eliminate accumulated moisture that can cause infection. This breed is delicate to heat as well. The puppy should not be kept for long in the hot Australian sun.
Exercise & Training
An average backyard should be suitable. The Aussie Bulldog should be able to take as much exercise as you like. Regular walks would be recommended to keep weight down.