What makes the Braque Francais Unique?
Both breeds of Braque Francais are known to be affectionate and loving companions and highly skilled natural bird hunters. These are definitely people-oriented breeds. The average Braque Francais is very devoted to its family and highly affectionate, often fawningly so.
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Is the Braque Francais Right For You?
There are two primary traits that make Braque Francais highly desirable in the home; their calm, quiet easy going temperament and their size. The Braque Francais personality is considered to be submissive, friendly, very sociable, gentle, affectionate and loyal to it‘s family. He is very intelligent but sensitive so positive reinforcement training definitely does better for the Braque Francais than harsh methods. Socialization and mental stimulation are recommended for this breed in order to have a great companion and family member. Temperament of individual dogs can vary, and all puppies should be well socialized with people and other animals at an early age. The Braque Francais needs to spend a lot of time outside getting exercise daily if possible. A large fenced-in yard is adequate but a larger area to run is desirable occasionally . A happy Braque Francais needs to be well loved and given lots of exercise.
In 5 Words
- Athletic
- Obedient
- Sociable
- Friendly
- Gentle

Learn About the Braque Francais
Both breeds of Braque français are in order to large sized canines brimming with extended legs and extended drop ears. The tail is traditionally docked but could be also long, or normally short. The coat is low, and chestnut brown / light speckled with dark-colored in colour, frequently with one or perhaps more large brown spots. The head is is usually brown. The Gascogne is depended on 10 cm (3. 9 ins) taller in the withers than the Pyrenean. The coat belonging in the direction of Gascogne is thick, whilst that belonging toward Pyrénées is understood to be “finer and shorter” then this Gascogne. The Pyrénées is typically a little more mottled brown for the body. The head belonging toward Pyrénées is slightly broader, and the ears are not as long. for the Gascogne, once the ears are pulled forward, they will reach the completed belonging toward nose. The Gascogne has alternatively pendulous lips, making the muzzle show up square; the Pyrénées muzzle appears a little more narrow.
Short History of the Braque Francais
The Braque Francais originates from southwest France and the Central Pyrenees. It is one of France’s oldest pointing dogs, going as far back as the seventeenth century. There are two types: the Gascogne and the Pyrenean. The lighter, racier Pyrenean is more popular. The Pyrenees’ reduced size is reflected in a different hunting style from that of the Gascogne. Whereas the Gascogne exhibits a slow and methodical movement afield, the Pyrenees is a lithe and leggy dog with nimble feet and a quick, efficient, fluid gait. This lively but reasonable pace, combined with a sleek physique, enables the Pyrenees to hunt for long periods without fatigue.
This breed is considered to be submissive. He is also friendly and very sociable. Positive reinforcement training definitely does wonders for the Braque Francais verses harsh methods. Socialization and mental stimulation are recommended for this breed.
Caring for Your Braque Francais
General Health
While the Braque Francais is typically known as a healthy and hearty breed, they do suffer from a few health problems, including: hip dysplasia, progressive retinal atrophy, entropian – folding inward of the eye lid, ectropian – folding outward of the eye lid, distichiasis – ingrown eye lashes, overeating, and bloat.
Grooming & Bathing
The Braque Francais requires very small maintenance. this really is definitely an simple puppy to remedy for. The brief hair would require to acquire brushed occasionally to preserve its wonderful condition. Bathing the puppy every three to 4 several weeks would make certain that doggie smell will not permeate the home. Groom the puppy after it persists to be on a hunting trip. This way burrs for the dog’s coat and thorns for the feet if any will be removed. This puppy is definitely an common shedder. Brush the dog’s coat a good deal more frequently all through shedding period of time to get rid of lifeless hair and also to accelerate the shedding process.
Exercise & Training
The Braque Francais is a perfect choice for the novice or experienced hunter who intends for his dog to be the family pet and a hunting dog. The dog has been described as a “couch potato” who really comes alive in the field. Their extraordinary sense of smell, natural retrieving instincts and their superior intelligence allows them to be trained quickly & easily.
The breed is ideal for the rookie handler who has never owned a gun dog. They develop into satisfactory hunting companions without elaborate training beyond a few basic commands, dummy retrieving and exposure to bird scent. They learn well through simple absorption of field experience. Some say the breed is “born half trained.” Braque’s mature earlier than other breeds.