Chien Français Blanc et Orange – Affectionate and Friendly

What makes the Chien Français Blanc et Orange Unique?

The Chien Francais Blanc et Orange (French White and Orange Hound) is one of three breeds typically classified as Chien Francais or French Hounds. The Chien Francais Blanc et Orange specifically is thought to be the result of crossing the Billy with other dogs. The Chien Francais Blanc et Orange is also known as the French White and Orange Hound, White and Orange French Hound, and Francais Blanc et Orange.


Size: Males – 62 to 70 cm (23.6 to 27.6 inches)
Females – 62 to 70 cm (23.6 to 27.6 inches)
Weight: Males – 27 to 32 kg (60 to 70 lb)
Females – 27 to 32 kg (60 to 70 lb)
Origin: France
Life Span: 10 – 14 Years
Colour: White and orange, but the orange should never appear to be a red colour.
Litter Size: 6 to 8 puppies

Is the Chien Français Blanc et Orange Right For You?

All dogs require training and socialization to get them accustomed to other canines, but most Chiens Francais do very well with other dogs once such training is complete. In fact, these breeds often crave the company of other dogs and do much better in multiple dog homes, preferably ones with many dogs. Although generally good with other dogs and people, the Chiens Francais are generally not good with other animals. These dogs have a very strong urge to chase other creatures, and to attack and even kill them when they catch up to them. Breed members that are raised with other pets from a young age will usually be very gentle with those individual animals, but will still probably attempt to chase other small animals.

The Chiens Francais are low maintenance dogs. These breeds should never require professional grooming, only a regular brushing. Owners do have to regularly and thoroughly clean a Chien Francais’s ears. Otherwise dirt, food, water, and other particles may become trapped in them, leading to irritations and possibly ear infections. There do not seem to be any reports on the shedding of the Chiens Francais. However, it is fair to assume that these breeds do shed, and shed very heavily.

In 5 Words

  • Friendly
  • Affectionate
  • Hunter
  • Tolerant
  • Loud
Fun Fact



Health Issues

Learn About the Chien Français Blanc et Orange

Short History


The Chien Francais Blanc et Orange breed of dog is a large sized breed of dog that should be powerful in appearance without appearing course. They should have a level top line that is slightly longer than they are tall and they should have a slight tuck up. They have defined muscles and the structure is strong and sturdy. Many of the most visible traits are: long legs, domed head, and long ears that drop down.

The head has a slightly domed and skull occipital bone barely marked. The superciliary arches are prominent. The eyes are large, dark brown. The ears are a little below the line of the eye, soft, thin, slightly wrinkled: they extend up to two fingers of the tip of the nose. The tail is long.

It is a versatile Hound, active and strong, with a beautiful voice and a great flair.

Head: Fairly broad, moderately elongated.
Body: Broad, straight back, slightly arched loins, rounded croup, broad chest, rounded ribs.
Coat: White and lemon or white and orange, provided the orange is not too dark (reddish).
Ears: Set just under eye level, supple, fine, slightly curled, reaching almost to the nose.
Tail: Long.
Hair: Smooth and fine.

Short History

Short History of the Chien Français Blanc et Orange

The Chien Français Blanc et Orange is a breed of dog of the scenthound type, originating in France. The breed is used for hunting in packs and descends from the old Hound of Saintonge type of large hunting dog. They belong to the scenthound category. This breed is typically a pack hunter which means that they can get along well with other dogs. The large breed is old roots and their skills are evident. The Chien français blanc et orange are pack hunting dogs, which means that groups of dogs are hunted together, always directed by a human, not running about hunting by themselves.



The Chien Francais Blanc et Orange breed of dog is an intelligent breed that is known for their energy and dedication for work. Like all dogs bred to hunt in a pack, the Francais Blanc et Orange is easy to live with, although it will want to assert itself in relations with other dogs. The Chien Francais Blanc et Orange breed is also energetic, free-spirited, with good movement.

Caring for Your Chien Français Blanc et Orange

Grooming & Bathing
Exercise & Training

General Health

It does not appear that any health studies have been conducted on the Chiens Francais, which makes it impossible to make any definitive statements on the health of these breeds. Based on what is known about similar breeds, it is probably fair to assume that these dogs are in average to good health. Most scenthounds which have been bred as working hunting dogs are in good health because any genetic defect impairs their ability to work and is therefore quickly eliminated from breeding lines. However, these dogs also have very small populations and may be at risk of several inheritable diseases due to restricted gene pools. Based on what is known about similar breeds, the life expectancy of a Chien Francais is probably between 10 and 14 years, although that is admittedly a very rough estimate.

Grooming & Bathing

Grooming & Bathing

The Chien Francais Blanc et Orange breed of dog is a very easy breed to groom and they require little to no maintenance to keep their coats healthy.

Exercise & Training

Exercise & Training

This type of dog needs a lot of exercise and it should be in the form of hunting.