What makes the Peruvian Inca Orchid Unique?
Peruvian Inca Orchid has very sensitive dark and round eyes that often squint when exposed to direct sunlight. Their thick and leathery ears sometimes have wisps of hair and their lips are wrinkled. The most important aspect of its appearance is its hairlessness. However, their skin is very pliable and super soft.
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Is the Peruvian Inca Orchid Right For You?
Peruvian Hairless dogs are affectionate with family but wary of strangers. They are typically lively, alert and friendly with other dogs but can be protective as well. They are agile and fast. These dogs do not like to be alone, but when trained, can do well. These dogs are intolerant of extreme temperatures. They generally require an owner that understands dog language and are not recommended for beginners.
In 5 Words
- Caring
- Smart
- Alert
- Friendly
- Agile

Learn About the Peruvian Inca Orchid
General Description
The Peruvian Inca Orchid has dark, round eyes that tend to squint in the sunlight due to oversensitivity. The lips are wrinkled and the thick, leathery ears sometimes have wisps of hair. Hair grows on the top of the head. Some are born coated with hair in the same litter as the hairless PIO. The skin is soft and pliable. It can be heavily mottled in any color, in any combination with a pink background, or it can be solid colored.
Short History of the Peruvian Hairless Dog
This is an ancient breed. Although it is often perceived to be an Incan dog because it is known to have been kept during the Inca Empire, they were also kept as pets in pre-Inca cultures from the Peruvian coastal zone. Ceramic hairless dogs from the Chimú, Moche, and Vicus culture are well known. Depictions of Peruvian hairless dogs appear around 750 A.D. on Moche ceramic vessels and continue in later Andean ceramic traditions.[4] The main area of the Inca Empire (the mountains) is too cold for the natural existence of the dogs. The Spanish conquest of Peru nearly caused the extinction of the breed. The dogs survived in rural areas, where the people believed that they held a mystical value. In recent years, the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) accepted the breed and adopted an official breed standard. Before that time, in the United States, some enthusiasts created another type of Peruvian hairless dog, the Peruvian Inca Orchid. The Peruvian Inca Orchid is recognized by the AKC. The club UKC also recognized the breed in recent years.
The Peruvian Inca Orchid is a smart, caring breed of dog. They are easy going and enjoy a lot of attention. They crave to be around their owners. They are easy to handle and easy to keep.
Caring for Your Peruvian Inca Orchid
General Health
Like all breeds there are some health problems. These include IBD, seizures, stroke, and skin lesions. They are very sensitive to toxins and care should be taken in use of insecticides. Insecticides are absorbed through the skin, and body fat keeps these toxins from entering the liver too quickly. Since these dogs have very low body fat, toxins are absorbed too quickly and cause severe damage to the nervous system and GI tract.
Grooming & Bathing
The fact that this breed does not have hair does not mean that its skin requires no care. The skin must be protected as much as possible from the sun. A good sunscreen should be used if the dog is going to be out in the sun. People who show these dogs scrub them regularly to remove dead skin and keep the skin soft by using special exfoliating creams intended for use by humans. If you do not plan to show your PIO and the dog is in a normal environment, it is best to not soften the skin as it makes the skin tear more easily. It is most important to keep the skin supple and smooth and to prevent it from becoming dry. Using a lotion or cream or, sometimes, rubbing it with oil is recommended. Bathe these dogs regularly with a gentle soap. The fragile skin is susceptible to sunburn, drying irritation and tears from other dogs, cats and objects. This is a very clean breed with no doggie odor and no fleas. The hairless PIO is ideal for allergy sufferers because there is no hair to shed. The coated variety has hair all over the body and does shed, but not much coat care is required. Regular brushing is required.
Exercise & Training
The Peruvian Inca Orchid is easy to train but they must have a gentle hand when training as they are very sensitive. They are smart and very willing to please.
The Peruvian Inca Orchid needs a good run at least once a day. While in the house they are couch potatoes. They are very attentive to anything that is going on.