What makes the Telomian Unique?
They are affectionate dogs which have lots of energy, and love to run and play. These dogs are highly intelligent, and enjoy being in the company of their masters. They may have a coat which is sable in color, and white patches are common as well. The Telomian will behave well with children as long as they are gentle with it. It will need to be properly trained while it is a puppy.
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Is the Telomian Right For You?
People highly value the Telomian not only because it is a very useful breed but also because the dog makes a wonderful family pet. This is a very affectionate and protective breed. The Telomian wins people’s heart because of its charming personality. Did you know that this dog has the ability to make faces? This is usually done when the dog is pleading for a treat. This breed will protect its family at all cost.
In 5 Words
- Playful
- Trustworthy
- Affectionate
- Devoted
- Intelligent

Learn About the Telomian
General Description
The Telomian was bred to be highly effective at killing common house pests. Since they were bred in the jungles of Malaysia, their natural instincts are to hunt and kill mice and snakes that are in the home or around the property of his/her owners. Due to their strong prey drive, Telomians will make chasing a critter his/her top priority, even if it is against the will of their owner.
Telomians are also known for alerting their family of any possible threats. This trait is likely developed from generations of alerting their owners of any nearby poisonous animals, snakes, and dangerous animals in the jungles of Malaysia. Another unique trait to the breed is the use of its paws. Telomians have excellent paw control and will use them to hold objects, food, and toys. Many believe this trait is directly related to the breed’s learned skill of climbing the short 6-8 foot ladders to their owner’s home in Malaysia (it was considered foolish to build your home on the jungle floor due to the high risk of snakes and wild animals entering your home during the night hours).
Short History of the Telomian
One of the suggestions claims that the ancestry of the Telomian reached back to as far as XVII century. It is also believed that among its forefathers were various Bulldog breeds and the wild Dingo although there is no concrete evidence of it.
The Telomian served to protect the villages of the Orang Asli against various kinds of vermin, for instance rats or snakes. The Orange Asli was a native folk of Peninsular Malaysia. They used to build their huts on stilts in order to escape the attacks of such vicious creatures as snakes, scorpions, poisonous insects and such, which crawl on the ground. As their pet, the dog has acquired a peculiar capability to climb using wooden ladders so that it can get to its master’s hut.
The Telomian got its name in honour of the Sungai Telom valley in Pahagan where the breed has been detected for the first time by westerners. In 1963 the breed has finally found its way to America but up till now its population there seems not to grow. The Telomian isn’t recognised by any reputable kennel club.
The owners of Telomians usually portray them as quick-witted, vigilant and submissive dogs. It is an energetic animal with strong and independent personality. It strives to form tight bonds with its master and his family, and likes to get attention and compliments. The breed is renowned for its tender and careful handling of small children and is eager to play with them for hours on end. Being trustworthy, affectionate and devoted, it will make an outstanding home pet and companion.
When properly socialised the Telomian is ok with strangers. Most of the specimens are really sociable and make friends with new acquaintances momentarily. Nonetheless, the Telomian never losses watchfulness and will become a remarkable guard dog.
This breed will get along with family cat as well as other little home pets on the assumption that they live together from the puppyhood. Unfamiliar cats and other animals can present a too strong temptation to resist a chase so the usage of the leash is highly recommended for this breed.
Early socialization will also help to avoid problems with other dogs but the competitiveness and male aggression are not so sharply manifested in the Telomian as in other hunting breeds.
Caring for Your Telomian
General Health
Little is known about the health of this breed. Based on their history, Telomians appear to be very healthy and suffers from few, if any adverse health problems. They may have a life expectancy which is longer than 12 years.
Once a week brushing is all that is required to keep the shiny coat free of dead hair and shiny. This breed should be taken on daily walks and provided with ample physical and mental stimulation.
Grooming & Bathing
Once a week brushing will rid the Telomians coat of dead hair and will keep it shiny. They will need to be bathed only when necessary to keep them odor free and clean.
Exercise & Training
As a high energy dog, they will need to be taken on one to two walks daily. Telomians may also need toys and games to keep them mentally entertained as their high intelligence can lead them to find destructive ways to entertain themselves.