American Curl

He is sociable, loving, and family-oriented, often with a special fondness for children. He is a good choice for families with older children who will treat him respectfully.
In 5 Words
- Joyous
- Sociable
- Loving
- Family Oriented
- Intelligent
Size: Medium
Male: medium: 8-12 lbs.
Female: small: <8 lbs.
Origin: United States
Life Span: 9-13 yrs.
Colour: White, Blue, Black, Red, Cream, Chocolate, Lilac, Silver, Golden, Tortoiseshell, Buttercream, Brown

Learn About American Curl
On a usual hot day in June 1981 in Lakewood California, a wandering longhaired black female cat with amusing ears stole food from Joe and Grace Ruga. Bona fide pedigrees are able to hint their origin back to Shulamith, the first American Curl. Little did everyone know that the encounter with the cat with unusual curled ears and giving birth to kittens six month later would give way to a worldwide debate to its mysterious genetics. In 1983, selective breeding began and fanciers developed the American Curl to be honed towards a show breed. 383 kittens were analyzed, and celebrated feline geneticist Roy Robinson of London, England verified that the ear-curling genetic material is autosomal dominant, meaning that even with only one parent, the trait will be passed on to its offspring.
In 1986, a cat show has witnessed an American Curl being exhibited for the first time. In 1992, the American Curl has gained championship status by The International Cat Association (TICA). The longhaired breed has been the first to be admitted to both shorthair and longhair divisions in the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA). It is a medium sized cat and reaches maturity slowly, taking two to three years. They are healthy and strong.
American Curl kittens have straight ears upon birth, and will start displaying curling within ten days. In four months, the ears will no longer curl with its stiff and hard build. Show cats have more prominent curl ears than cats intended to be kept as pets. Their ears can curl in an arc between 90 and 180 degrees. Although a greater angle seems more pleasant, cats with their ears touching the back of their skulls will be disqualified. Both shorthaired and longhaired American Curls have soft, silky coats lying flat against their bodies. Although it is a rare breed, it can be found all over the world including Russia, Japan, France, Spain and in the United States.
Their ears have been adored by many cat lovers across the world. Their appearances seem to be designed by a renowned hat designer who has a penchant for classy looking cats. American Curls have a happily surprised expression and truly distinct ears providing an alert and perky disposition which causes people seeing it for the first time to be in awe. Their ears can be compared to the Lynx with long tufts fanning outward, enhancing the swept-back look while matching its overall presence with sophistication and elegance.
American Curls are eager to start the day with you when it hears the alarm clock going off. It gently wakes you up by eyelid pats, hair licking and nose kisses. Its personality is truly unique. Among the things that an American Curl would do is to find its way to a large salad bowl and doze off, find the best way to get into the shower with you, block every chance you have of watching your favorite TV show as well as trying to pat your glasses while you are reading your book.
Needless to say, American Curls are affectionate soulmates, people-oriented and faithful. They can adjust surprisingly fast to new situations, children and other pets. People say that with regards to its attentiveness to its owners, they are similar to dogs following them around as if to not miss anything. When they are introduced to a new home, they seem to show inherent respect to its current occupants, making it easier for the others to adjust to them. They usually let out trill-like cooing sounds, often expressed as display of their intelligence and curiosity. They are often called the Peter Pan of felines because they retain their kitten-like personality throughout adulthood.
The American Curl is a hard breed that can adapt well and known for its good health. It does not get sick easily because it has no known genetic defect or predisposition. Kittens respond well to immunization shots and have a strong immune system.
The curled ear may be regarded as a defect by some, but it is in fact a mutation. The ears add to the aesthetic features of this breed. It is curved in such a way that it does not impede with the cat’s hearing in any way. Because of its large genetic pool with non-pedigree cats, it is generally a healthy breed.
American Curls enjoy daily exercise. They delight in cat trees in the house with perches for jumping and climbing all over it. They are able to maintain their weight if they get enough exercise. They love interactive play with their owners. Even though American Curls cannot be considered as “lap cats”, they surely like to be next to people. They are available in both short and long hair color and pattern varieties but their undercoat is minimal. They shed very little and do not require massive grooming. In a nutshell, American Curls require little maintenance, but make sure to provide it with adequate exercise.