Arabian Mau

The Arabian Mau is by nature a desert cat used to the harsh, hot climate and able to cope very well with high temperatures. In the height of summer, they sleep all day out of the heat and then hunt at night.
In 5 Words
- Hunter
- Adaptable
- Agile
- Survivor
- Outgoing
Size: Medium and Large sized
Weight: 9 – 16 lbs
Origin: UAE
Life Span: 12 to 14 years
Colour: White, Black, Tabby brown & tabby ginger, Ginger / white, Black and white, Grey + grey / white.

Learn About the Arabian Mau
The Arabian Mau has been a landrace for more than 1,000 years native to the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait. They have adapted well to the hot Middle Eastern environment. Like all domestic cats, it originated from the African wildcat, Felis silvestris lybica. It has lived for thousands of decades on the Arabian Peninsula. They live in desert regions near human settlements. As the cities began to spread out more to the desert, the wildcat also grew closer to humans. This is because more food and shelter was made available, and eventually they become domesticated.
The Arabian Mau is a natural breed. It is a formal breed which is aimed to confine the most essential traits of a landrace in the course of selective breeding. The director of the Middle East Cat Society Petra Mueller initially developed this breed, who observed the cats and their behavior for a long time. Mueller coined the name “Arabian Mau” and led the efforts for breed recognition. WCF identifies three coats in the breed: white, tabby and bicolor.
The Arabian Mau is a medium-sized cat. It has live in the hot streets and has adapted well to the extreme climate of its origins. They have a large and firm body structure. These cats are far from being too slender. Their muscles are very well developed.
Female Arabian Mau cats are elegant and medium sized and males can be very huge. Females tend to be slightly smaller than males. Their legs are long with impeccably oval paws. Their ears are large and well set. They have a medium length tail with tapering toward the tip. They have round heads which are slightly longer than broad with distinct whisker pads. They have oval eyes with colors that match their coat. The fur is short without any undercoat. There are different colors but the most prominent are black, white, black and white, brown, brown tabby, and red.
The Arabian Mau has been able to cope well with harsh, hot climates with high temperatures. In the peak of summertime, they can sleep all day out of the heat and at night, they hunt. This is a common trait for cats in general as their survival technique. It is vital to ensure they survive.
This breed is often described to be playful, outgoing, loyal, demanding, active and agile. For a breed that survived the extreme climates, you might think that it is a tough one. But is can still be a total sweetheart. They like to play with their people.
The Arabian Mau cat has good health. They have a good immune system and their kittens are born healthy and strong. Kittens are movable and very active even on its first day. When among multiple cats in a home, a male and female cat will always be dominant. Female cats are great mothers. They will supervise the growth of the kittens and even teach them. They can feed their kittens up to five months. She is able to control all situations amidst a pack of multiple cats. The Arabian Mau needs human presence, love and attention. In return, she will follow the owner everywhere and always be around him.
Grooming the Arabian Mau is very easy because it does not shed so much. Brushing the coat form time to time will get rid of dead hair and strengthen the coat’s beautiful gloss. However, you may also opt to go to a professional feline grooming session. It can stimulate skin circulation and remove the loose hairs. This can prevent hairballs and matting. If your cat is prone to matting, you may need the care of professionals. A professional groomer is highly trained to address the matting issue by carefully applying methods with minimal stress on both owner and cat. The toenails can also be cut by professional groomers should you have no knowledge yet on how to do so. Periodic bathing can help maintain a cat’s coat and health. Since some baths are only required twice a year, it is important to inquire about cat bathing from the professionals.