Kurilian Bobtail

This is a medium to large cat, compact, (semi-cobby) with a slightly arched back and a rump that appears higher than the shoulders.
In 5 Words
- Wild
- Energetic
- Large
- Affectionate
- Playful
Size: Medium to Large
Weight: 4-5 kgs
Origin: Russian
Lifespan: 15 + years
Colour: red, to grey, to bobtail stripes.
Litter: 2 or 3

Learn About the Kurilian Bobtail
This is a natural breed, which existed in isolation for a long period (at least 100-150 years) on a chain of islands collectively known as the Kurils, which belong to Russia and Japan. In Russia there are several documents referring to cats with a short tail, which were brought home from the islands by the members of the military or scientists in the middle of the 20th century. The Kurilian Bobtails were first shown in 1991.
This is a medium to large cat, compact, (semi-cobby) with a slightly arched back and a rump that appears higher than the shoulders. The head is a rounded wedge with walnut shaped eyes set on a slight angle. Ears are medium sized, triangular in shape and wide at the based with slightly rounded tips. They should have light to medium furnishings. The body is medium to large while compact and broad chested. The back may be slightly raised as the hind legs should be longer than the front and ending in rounded paws.
Kurilian Bobtails are independent, intelligent, inquisitive, playful, trainable, and very gentle. In spite of their severe look, they have a very well-balanced temperament bereft of aggression. They will gladly sleep in your bed if only you allow them to. Devoted, loving, and sociable. Kurilians usually get on well with other cats, children, dogs and other household pets. They love to bathe, “fish” and play in water.They love to bathe, “fish” and play in water.They love to bathe, “fish” and play in water.
Kurilian Bobtails have naturally excellent health. Unlike the Manx, the tailless gene of Kurilians does not cause any breed-specific diseases.
Although the coat is fine, the cats need relatively little grooming. The coat is shiny and glossy and feels like natural silk. Also the longhaired cats do shed very little. You should brush them, when they change their coat, to remove dead hairs.