Mekong bobtail

The Mekong Bobtail is a color-pointed cat, medium-sized, with developed musculature, but slender and elegant.
In 5 Words
- Glossy
- Very friendly
- Silent
- Very affectionate
- Playful
Type of Breed: Natural
Origin: Russia
Breed Development: 1883
Size: The Mekong Bobtail Cat is a Medium sized breed.
Coat: Glossy, Light Undercoat, Short

Learn About the Mekong bobtail
In fact the Mekong Bobtail is a natural widely spread breed in the southeast of Asia, Iran, Iraque, China, Mongolia, Laos, Burma, Vietnam.Alread Charles Darwin wrote in his book The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, 1883: « everywhere in huge areas, namely on Malayan Archipels, in Siam, China and Burma, all cats have short tails – approximately half of the appropriate length, this is frequently connected with some kind of a knot in the end ». Darwin describes here the cats with Siamese points, which frequently have a shortened tail.
In the late 19th century about 200 “royal cats” were given to Nicholas II, Tsar of Russia by the King of Siam Chulalongkorn, Rama V. Many had short, kinked tails. These cats together with other bobtailed cats brought into Russia from southeast Asia are the foundation cats for the Mekong Bobtail. One of the first was a cat owned by the actor Michael Gluzskyj. His cat lived to the ripe age of 20 years. Another cat was Nyan from Vietnam (owners Kalugin and Lisenkova).
Up to the 1980-s the Mekong Bobtail was not very well known, when L.L. Lisenkovoj contacted various clubs to find cats for their experimental breeding program, but with little success. Thus they had to import more cats from their native countries.
The Mekong Bobtail is a color-pointed cat, medium-sized, with developed musculature, but slender and elegant. Paws are fine and oval, tail is short with different combinations of kinks or curves. The coat is short and glossy, almost without undercoat, close-lying. The head shape is a modified wedge of medium size with blunt strong chin. Ears are of medium size, broad at the base. The eyes are blue, almond-shaped, slightly slanting. The body is solid and builds a rectangular shape. The length of the body is medium.
Compared to the body, the legs are rather slender, the thighs of the hind legs are strong, the hind legs are slightly longer. The paws are oval.The tail is the characteristic feature of the breed. It is a Bobtail, which may have different length, but it must have minimum 3 vertebrae and must not be longer than the quarter of the body length. The tail has several kinks and curves in various combinations.
The Mekong Bobtail is a silent, very friendly cat with an equilibrated character. The cats can spring and climb very well. It is very affectionate to its owner and loves to play.
Mekong Bobtail is very inquisitive and do not depart from his master a single step. A very loyal breed and, like dogs, are not accustomed to the house, and to man.
Mekong Bobtails have excellent health and a strong immune system.
These cats do not require any special care. That’s enough to brush the coat ones or twice a week to remove dead hair, wipe the inside of the ears with a cotton ball moistened with feline ear treatment, trim claws if necessary.