
The Snowshoe is a medium sized shorthair cat that combines the solidness of the American Shorthair with the body length of the Siamese. It has medium boning and muscle, being neither delicate nor bulky.
In 5 Words
- Shy
- Friendly
- Very active
- Playful
- Affectionate
Size: Medium
Weight: 10-12 lbs
Origin: United States
Life Span: 9-15 years
Colour: Blue, Lilac, Chocolate or Seal Point

Learn About the Snowshoe
The first attempt at establishing a purebred white-footed Siamese began back in the 1950s. That initial effort was not successful. In the 1960s, Dorothy Hinds-Daugherty, a breeder of Siamese in Philadelphia, noticed that three kittens in a purebred Siamese litter each had four white paws. She found the contrast between the white feet and darker pointed legs quite attractive and decided to try and develop a moderate, pointed, white-footed cat that otherwise resembled the Siamese in type. She called her new breed the “Snowshoe,” for obvious reasons. Ms. Daugherty faced some degree of opposition from Siamese fanciers, who were concerned that the Snowshoe’s characteristic white leg markings could become mixed with the purely pointed Siamese.
Much of the history of the Snowshoe was lost due to poorly kept records over time and the original pattern restrictions which discouraged both new and old breeders because of the inconsistencies of the white patterning. Between 1960 and 1977, interest in the breed had declined until there was only one breeder in 1977, but by 1989, there were close to thirty documented breeders. However, by then the Snowshoe had a strong following, and the breed attained champion status with the American Cat Fanciers Associationin 1990 and was recognized by The International Cat Association in 1993. Currently, breeders work to attain acceptance with the Cat Fanciers Association, but struggle with the lack of cats and breeders needed for the association’s requirements. Snowshoes are also fully recognized by the Fédération Internationale Féline, the American Association of Cat Enthusiasts, and the Cat Fanciers Federation.
The Snowshoe is a medium sized shorthair cat that combines the solidness of the American Shorthair with the body length of the Siamese. It has medium boning and muscle, being neither delicate nor bulky. It has a broad wedge shaped face that is slightly rounded. Eyes are oval shaped and slanted towards the base of the ear, with bright and expressive in nature and blue in colour. The head is a rounded triangle with a medium length nose that is straight in profile. The eyes are large and slanting. The ears are set wide apart and are large and pointed. The body is long and athletic. When the cat is lifted it feels heavier than it appears. The legs are medium in length and the paws are neat and oval. The tail is medium in length and tapers to a rounded tip.
The Snowshoe is generally extremely active and should be kept busy by giving it an endless number of activities and tasks to perform. They tend to develop a strong affinity with their owner and stay close to them while providing plenty of affection. While they are watchful around strangers and often shy, they generally remain friendly. They are very active and will benefit from spending time with their humans as they love interactive play. A climbing frame, the taller the better, preferably with a tunnel and beds will help entertain them when you’re not at home. A second kitten will of course be most welcome as a companion, especially if you are at work for the greater part of the day.. Snowshoes are also known for their fascination with water and on occasion will climb into the tub for a swim, as long as it’s their idea. While not as loud or vocal as the Siamese, Snowshoes are never at a loss for words.They usually insist on sleeping in bed with their owners and do not seem to realize they are cats. They are a vocal breed, with a soft, melodic meow.
The Snowshoe is not known to have any breed-specific health problems and many live to around their mid teens. In common with other cats, they need annual vaccination boosters against the common feline ailments of flu and enteritis, as well as against Feline Leukaemia if they go outdoors. , an annual visit to the vet for vaccinations, de-worming teeth cleaning and a general check-up is advised.
The Snowshoe cat breed requires a weekly brush, but in Spring they do shed more and require additional brushing. Naturally your cat needs good dental hygiene and you will need to check their ears for ear mites.