Ukrainian Levkoy

The Ukrainian Levkoy is a cat breed of very original appearance, hairless and with folded ears.These cats are of medium size, the body is rather long, muscular and slender of rectangular format.The bare skin of Levkoy is soft and hot, it is excessive, elastic and wrinkled.
In 5 Words
- Friendly
- Active
- People-oriented
- Gentle
- Playful
Size: Medium
Weight: 11-15 Ib
Origin: Ukraine
Life Span: up to 19 years.
Colour: Hairless. any color

Learn About the Ukrainian Levkoy
The Ukrainian Levkoy is a new breed of cat; development of the breed did not start until the early 2000s. Elena Vsevolodovna Birjukova, a Russian cat breeder, wanted to create a unique hairless cat so she crossed a female sphinx with a domestic cat with lobed ears. In the mid 2000s, Elena Vsevolodovna Birjukova was able to produce kittens that fit the breed she imagined. The breed was recognized in 2005 in the Ukraine by ICFA RUI (Rolandus Union International). It was recognized in Russia in 2010 by ICFA WCA. In the Ukraine, starting in September 2010, it was deemed that Ukrainian Levkoys may be awarded the title of “Champion” and that they may take part in “The Best in Show” competition. Nowadays there are 10 Ukrainian Levkoys who are given these titles.
In Russia the first titles of “Champion” and “The Best in Show” were given in 2011. The other organizations are mating this new breed of Ukrainian Levkoy as an experimental breed without the “Champion” title at cats exhibitions. The breed is so new that it is not recognized by most cat fanciers associations around the world. It is found mostly in Ukraine and Russia, although the past few years a few Levkoys have been exported to other countries. Today, the breed is quite rare, but is expected to grow in popularity once it receives recognition from the Cat Fancier Association and some of the other larger cat clubs.
The Ukrainian Levkoy is a cat breed of very original appearance, hairless and with folded ears.These cats are of medium size, the body is rather long, muscular and slender of rectangular format.The bare skin of Levkoy is soft and hot, it is excessive, elastic and wrinkled.Levkoy cat’s peculiar features are: special angular contour of its head and “stepped” profile (dogface appearance) folded ears and large, but not well wide opened, almond-shaped eyes. Tail and legs are long and paws are oval in shape. The other striking feature of these stylish cats is their coat. They have a thick and elastic skin and is often wrinkled if the cat is not in a fully stretched position. It is even said to be excessive over certain body parts.
The Ukrainian Levkoys are said to be friendly, active, people-oriented, gentle, and playful felines,friendly, playful, and intelligent cats. Levkoys are very sociable, enjoying human or family company as well as the company of other domestic pets (e.g., dogs, rats, pigs). Similar to other hairless cat breeds, Ukrainian Levkoys are energetic and curious. These cats will be acting like kittens far beyond their first birthday. For playtime they are flexible, enjoying a variety of toys and playing alone or with another cat. They love playing with toys or other cats (either Ukrainian Levkoys or other kitty breeds).
The Ukrainian Levkoy is susceptible to all the common feline ailments that affect all cats, but no more so than normal. As they are a new breed of cat, no hereditary diseases or health problems have been seen in them so far, other than ones caused by their lack of hair, like skin cancer, hypothermia, sunburns and chills. If allowed outside during the summer, Ukrainian Levkoy should wear sunscreen to prevent sunburns, and may need a sweater or coat during the winter. They may be prone to gum disease and tooth decay, so regular dental check-ups are advised.
The Ukrainian Levkoy will produce more oil than others and would need to be bathed more frequently, while others produce little to no oil and can go several weeks without a bath. Overbathing can lead to dry skin. As a rule most breeders suggest a weekly bath as a starting point and you can alter the schedule to fit the needs of your particular cat. Additionally, hairless cats have a higher metabolism, so this breed may require more food and water than other felines.