Dog shaking hands black and white

13 Tips on How to Train Your Dog

how to train a dogExcept for maybe cat lovers, we can all agree that dogs are a man’s best friend. However without proper training a dog can cause absolute havoc and be more work than fun.

When approaching dog training it is important to arm yourself with a lot of patience and to not expect instant “dog whisperer” miracles. Learning how to communicate with your dog will help build a better and stronger relationship.

Here are thirteen dog training tips that will help you create a fun and obedient best friend. Read more

Some Helpful Tips for Untrainable Dog Syndrome

Dogs whose behavior cause trouble to the owner, environment, as well as the dog, endanger health and safety have the so called “untrainable dog syndrome”. It is important to note that there is a difference between teaching the dog certain behavior and solving problematic manners.

Troubling behavior may occur as a result of the emotional state of the dog, high stress levels, unfavorable effect of the environment where the dog resides, training the dog with the use of force, pain or any other health disorder. Untrainable dog syndrome requires full attention and individual approach of the both dog owner and the dog.

Untrainable Dog

Professional help in solving the problematic manners is intended for owners whose dogs exhibit behaviors such as aggressiveness, fright, sensitivity to stimuli, frequent barking, destructive behavior, going to bathroom indoors, hyperactivity, excitement and euphoria tendency, frequent licking or biting of body parts, running after everything that moves such as cyclists and joggers. This sort of behavior may cause you to lose your temper, start acting toughly and have less patience than usually, so a few tips may help you and your dog see eye to eye.

Monitor your dog; keep a diary of his behavior, the way he acts in certain situations. Try isolating the one thing that bothers you the most and see if you can recall the cause and the time it started. Maybe it was something that has developed gradually over time.

Just like with your dog, keep a diary of your behavior for a week. Write down how you react when your dog acts problematically, whether you scream at him or you do nothing at all as you think nothing can be done. Do you ever lock him up somewhere as a punishment? Do you allow your feelings to take over? If you punish him or yell you will only frighten the dog and destroy the bond between you, but on the other side if you do nothing you encourage his behavior.

After you realize what bothers you the most and learn how to react you can make some changes.

Start by acting differently. Stop his bad behavior immediately; you might put him on the leash even if he is inside the house, and keep him close to monitor him.

Shouting and screaming never works, so go to him and speak peacefully, lovingly and quietly, tell him things will improve for both of you very soon. Hug him, make him calm down.

Try these tricks for a week and see if things change. Ask yourself whether the unwanted behavior manifests as often as before and to what extent? Is it as grave as it used to be and how does it affect you, are you still as upset as you were a week ago? Also keep an eye out for the things that have improved – your relationship and his behavior.

Remember that untrainable dog syndrome grows over time so the correction won’t be easy and quick, but if you change your ways the dog will as well. Just have enough patience and be determined.

What To Look For When Choosing A Dog School

Dealing with problematic dog behavior is a team work in which the owner and the dog behavior consultants participate, and, if necessary, so do veterinarians and other therapists. The ultimate success, visible as a change in the dog’s behavior, is only possible with the maximum commitment and effort which is the reason why it is crucial to know what to look for when choosing a dog school.

The suitability of the person who is giving the professional help is the first of many steps on the road to a better and happier coexistence with your dog.

What to look for when choosing Dog School

It is important to stress out that there is a difference between teaching a dog certain commands, such as heal and fetch, and solving problematic behaviors like aggression, destruction, urinating inside and barking too much. Accordingly there is a difference in the level of qualifications and knowledge among persons conducting obedience classes (course leaders, instructors) and those engaged in counseling when dealing with problematic dog behavior (dog behavior consultants).

With this in mind, when looking for a dog schools and someone who will help you with your dog, look for a person who has completed their educations in the field of animal behavior and works using only positive methods and new concepts. A positive and all-inclusive approach based on scientific findings is far more effective than the traditional ones based on wrong assumptions about dog behavior, such as dominance, alpha status, and the use of violent and rough techniques which will only result in bigger problems and the destruction of the dog-owner bond.

Make sure they treat dogs with love and respect – even though this should be a main condition for this type of job that’s not always the case. A person who doesn’t show empathy for dogs, their needs and feelings but considers them to be mindless beings who only act upon their urges is in fact a person who has very little knowledge about dogs and therefore can’t give your dog the help he needs.

One of the most important things you should pay attention to when picking a school for your dog is whether they use devices which cause dogs discomfort and pain. If that is the case stay away from them! No matter the “weight” of the problem, there isn’t a single reason or excuse for hurting a dog. Devices such as chokers, spiked training collars and dog shock collars in anyone’s hands leave adverse effects on the dog’s health (spine, thyroid, heart) as well as the dog’s behavior.

Don’t go to a school which doesn’t even want to meet you or your dog. Just like a veterinarian can’t know what your dog’s sickness is without examining him first, a dog trainer shouldn’t draw conclusions about the dog’s behavior without previously seeing the dog, meeting the family he lives with and gathering enough information to see if the dog needs a dog school or just obedience classes.

In conclusion you should look for a dog school whose only object is to find the cause of the problematic behavior; the reason why the dog acts the way he acts in certain conditions and situations.

Preparing Your Dog for Your Newborn Baby

Many people stress about what they should do with their dog when the baby comes – should they give the dog away or it’s going to be safe for the baby? It can all turn well if you prepare your dog for the new situation, so here are some things you should keep in mind when preparing your dog for the newborn baby.

Your dog will sense the excitement about the arrival of the new family member, but it’s not a bad idea to introduce him with the newcomer as well.

When he’s in the good mood give your dog something that belongs to the baby, such as shirt or a cap. Praise him while he smells baby’s things so he can develop positive and good feelings toward the baby.

When the baby is first brought home one person should hold the baby while the other one holds the dog on a short leash. If he behaves well let him smell the baby, if you however feel any form of aggression from the dog or the baby starts crying cut the introduction and postpone it for a couple of days. The dog should be kept under control but without tension. Later on, when both the baby and the dog relax you won’t need the leash anymore but don’t leave the dog alone with your newborn.

dog and newborn baby

Every time you bring your newborn close to the dog, say his name gently, show him to the baby and interpret his behavior. If baby starts crying due to sudden bark take her to your arms, comfort her and explain that is normal and that’s the way dogs talk.

Before the newborn your dog had all the attention in the family and that will most certainly change, but pets usually behave well and know their place in the family so you shouldn’t worry too much about the dog being jealous. Whether the animal will feel mismatched, neglected and standoffish upon the arrival of the new member is completely up to you and your behavior toward the dog and the baby. If the family habits and customs you shared with your dog don’t change drastically and if you introduce the baby and the dog in the right way – there is nothing to be afraid of.

It might happen that the dog pees on the crib, stroller or a place where the baby spends a lot of time, but this shouldn’t be interpreted as jealousy or bad behavior, this is just a way the dog expresses fear of the baby and masks her scent with his. So don’t scold your dog for doing this but allow him access to the baby’s crib, clothes and blankets. Again, don’t make your dog feel neglected because of the arrival of the new family member.

While preparing your dog for the your newborn baby it is important to mention that, despite of the amount of time you plan to dedicate to the child (which is perfectly normal) you always have to find at least a little bit of time for your pet. Also, avoid any sudden changes of what the dog is used to, such as the feeding time.

Are You Making These 10 Dog Training Mistakes?

Are you making these 10 dog training mistakes?

Many people say that there is nothing better than having a dog. That is certainly true but do you know what’s even better? Having a trained dog. Many people try to train dogs themselves and that is perfectly fine if you know how to do it and how to avoid making some typical mistakes.

You should always be consistent! Avoid using various words for the same command. It will only confuse your dog and he won’t know what he has to do. For instance if you used “Heel” you can’t expect the dog to listen to you if tell him “Walk by me.”

dog training mistakesStart small. Just because you see a dog on TV do a trick doesn’t mean you can expect your dog to know it or learn it in a day. Be patient, start with some simple commands and then work toward the more complicated ones. And be realistic of your dog’s abilities.

In any scenario, not just dog training, one of the worst things you can do is to physically punish your dog. It will only make the dog afraid of you, start acting aggressively toward you or people in your surroundings,  and it will ruin your relationship.

Start early, when he is just a puppy. It will make it easier as you won’t have to put a lot of obedience training.

Don’t give up after one try. It might take some time but your dog will get the hang of the trick eventually. Look at yourself, you don’t learn everything at the same pace, some things you can learn faster and some take time.

Giving your dog treats when he does what he’s suppose to is the best encouragement. If you fail to reward him he won’t know if he did something right. Ignoring bad behavior is just as bad; you shouldn’t overlook it or even worse give him a treat while hoping he will do better next time.

Dogs pay a lot of attention to the sound of your voice and if you’re in the bad mood while training them they will notice. They will notice that your tone of voice and body language are different and he won’t be able to connect the command with the action.

Some people think that rubbing a dog’s nose in urine helps with the learning process but it doesn’t. The only thing it does is hurt your dog’s nose.

You want your dog to learn who has control so don’t let him eat at the same time you do, give him food after you’ve finished.

Puppies don’t have a large attention span so it is best to keep the lessons short. About 15 minutes a day will do the trick and make your dog learn its trick.

So, keep it short, have patience, talk cheerfully, do it consistently and your dog will in no time learn when to sit, be quiet and when to jump in your arms and kiss you.


Running and Biking Dogs

Let’s Exercise – Dogs For Running and Biking

If you are searching for the best running or biking partner, look no further than your canine buddy. When it comes to exercise, you can’t think of a better workout partner than a dog. It is always a good idea to have someone to workout with, because exercising in pair means a lot more motivation and this way you will gain routine in your training program. Your friends, family, and neighbors can make you company sometimes, but your four legged friend will always be more than happy to workout with you whether you are running or biking. Dogs are, without a doubt, the most reliable training partners – they are never tired and they don’t have headaches when it’s time to go out.

Running and Biking DogBefore starting the training program it is recommended to visit a vet for consultation because not every dog breed is suitable for running the distance. Some breeds like retrievers, terriers or shepherds are definitely better for running than others. Pugs and bulldogs are not built as athletes because they overheat quickly. Also, if you live in a cold climate, the best choice for training partner would be some long coated Alaskan Malamute, Siberian Husky and Seppala Siberian Sled dog. All those breeds are naturally well-equipped for snow and their endurance is quite remarkable. If they can pull sled in freezing winters, they won’t have problems accompanying you on a bike.

As you have to know your potential, you should know the potential of your dog as well. Your training should go progressively, exercise your way up. Keep in mind that your dog doesn’t have sneakers for running but pads which will toughen over time and miles. Instead of retractable leashes, use leather leash (from 3 to 6 foot long) to provide the proper range between you and your dog.

Among dog breeds there are long distance runners and fast sprinters who can push the tempo real hard. If you are more of a marathon person, the breed who can run side by side with you is German Shepherd. Big heart, powerful legs and eagerness to run make this dog a perfect choice for you. Remember to bring right amount of water in a plastic bottle and a little dish, so both of you can stay hydrated. German Shepherds can be used for quick pace and for 10 miles runs. Doberman Pinscher has similar attributes.

Golden Retrievers belong to the group of humble dogs and if properly trained they won’t be distracted by surroundings, which makes them a great company while biking. Another people-oriented, non-aggressive dog is Border Collie, perfect for long and heavily used trails. Breeds that are literally built for speed are Greyhounds, athletic Pit bulls, Beagles, Vizslas, English Setters, Jack Russell Terrier (can be distracted easily by other dogs), German shorthaired pointers, American Staffordshire Terrier (always focused, won’t chase squirrels) and Airedale Terrier. A muscular body and energy make these dogs excellent companions for faster runs – 7 minute miles or more.

Tips to Make Caring for Your Dog a Breeze

The dogs provide their owners with the unconditional love, loyalty and pleasure. However, they don’t ask much in return. After the adjustment period which takes up to two weeks, caring for your dog should become a routine. In exchange for a lifetime friendship, you have to provide shelter, water, food, veterinary care and exercise to your canine companion.

Get your dog as many dog supplies as he needs. Since your dog needs less accompanying items than you, don’t be stingy when it comes to dog accessories.

One of the most vital things your puppy needs is proper feeding. Most of the dogs are ravenous and they will eat everything you give them. Act wisely and do a research about what dog food will bring the best to his health and energy. Always pick a top quality food made of pure ingredients including vitamins, minerals and protein.

dog care

Dogs don’t care about getting messy which makes you responsible for their bathing and cleaning. Try to make bath time gentle and pleasant, so both the dog and you can enjoy. Always use shampoos specially designed for dogs.  Besides the simple bathing, the dog’s eyes, ears, teeth, nails also need care. Regular cleaning of your dog’s ears will help prevent mites and ear infections. During the process of cleaning you should gently massage the base of the ear for about half a minute. Treat your dog well afterward. Long nails can be painful to your dog, so you should consult a vet for trimming tips.

Be sure that the collar is always around your dog’s neck. A name tag containing the dog’s and the owner’s name, and home address should be attached to the collar. Think how desperate both of you would be if your dog got lost.

Many veterinaries agree that flea collars can be dangerous for your four legged buddy. More effective protection from the boring fleas is topical application of treatments such as Frontline, Advantage, Revolution, etc.

Regular visits to veterinary clinic are necessary. Good idea is to implant a microchip in your dog because this way you can be sure that he will be returned to you even if he loses his collar.

On hot summer days don’t force your dog to run or exercise. Instead, provide him with a shelter in the coolest place of your yard. Large amounts of fresh drinking water are of the utmost importance in order to avoid accidents such as a heart stroke.

Spaying or neutering your dog will help him live longer and healthier life. Those procedures also influence dog’s behavior in the way that he becomes less aggressive.

Don’t let your dog eat much of human food because it may cause obesity, hyperactivity or intestinal problems.

If you’re planning to go for a long trip with your dog, don’t forget to bring his blanket. Favorite blanket with familiar scent will keep him relaxed and comfortable.

Spend some quality time cuddling and hugging with your pooch so that he feels loved and cherished. You won’t regret it because the dogs know how to return the favour.

Find Out How Police K-9 Dogs are Trained

How Police K-9 Dogs are Trained?

For thousands of years dogs and humans live in together. One of the smartest things humans did after the invention of the wheel is domestication of the dogs. Side by side, dogs and people made it through many centuries, wars, even space programs. Furthermore, in addition to being the most beloved pets, helpers around the farm, family guards, and leaders for the blind, dogs can be more than useful in police and other law enforcement units. The police dog, also known as K-9 (homophone of canine, a play on words), in most major cities is used for the things that human police officers can’t do. Police forces use K-9 to track criminals, sniff out drugs, explosive and other illegal materials, to find missing people or objects and many more. Intentional killing or injuring K-9 is considered felony in many countries. Today, a full police funeral is given to the police dog killed in the line of duty. A growing number of police units outfit their dogs with police badges and bullet proof vests.

Find Out How Police K-9 Dogs are Trained

All police dogs have to complete basic obedience training. K-9 Police dogs must obey the commands of their handlers without hesitation. Besides the obedience training, police dogs must go through the agility training, protection training, scent detection training and endurance training. They have to be prepared to jump over the obstacles such as walls and to climb the stairs. Police dogs must learn how to act and remain calm around people in daily life. So, dog socialization is very important thing. The dog that is tense and jumpy when among other people can’t become a good police dog.

Most of the k-9 police dogs are trained to enjoy their work. They comprehend trainings as a game. When it comes to practicing how to chase a suspect, they are trained to grab and hold on at all costs. They hold suspect very tightly until the handler gives command to let go. They are trained to wait for the verbal warning first and attack only if the suspect doesn’t halt immediately. Some police units prefer a bark tactic. Police dog barks to intimidate suspect and alert his handler to his whereabouts. The dog barks till a police squad arrives. Only in case of a suspect trying to run, the dog grabs and holds the fleeing suspect.

Drug training contains a trick with a white towel. The handler rolls up a bag of marijuana inside the towel and removes it short after. Then the dog is playing with the towel so that he can recognize the smell of marijuana. After a while, the handler hides the towel in various places stimulating the dog to look his favorite toy up. The dogs aren’t addictive, they won’t swallow any drugs, they just want to play with their toys. The same method is used for bomb and explosive detection or to locate other illegal materials. A dog’s sense of smell is very powerful, it is almost 50 times more sensitive than human’s.

The most popular breeds in police dog units are German Shepherd, Belgian Malinois, Doberman Pinscher, Rottweiler, Argentine Dogo and Labrador Retriever.