Bulldog Campeiro

Bulldog Campeiro is looking like a leader of the pack


he old English Bulldog was fairly common, found in much of Western Europe during the second half of the nineteenth century , to the point in states like the Vatican there is specific legislation to regulate the traffic of that kind of animal on public roads.

In 5 Words

  • Suspicious
  • Peaceful
  • Hardness
  • Courage
  • Jealous


Size:Bulldog Campeiro is enjoying the poolside

Males – 48 to 58 cm (18.9 to 22.8 inches)
Females –48 to 58 cm (18.9 to 22.8 inches)


Males – 35 to 45 kg (77,2 to 99,2 pounds)
Females –35 to 45 kg (77,2 to 99,2 pounds)

Origin: Brazil

Life Span: 13 years

Colour: Brindle (red, gray or black)

Litter Size: 3 to 12 puppies


Health Issues

Did You Know?

In Brazil, the European immigration which was encouraged at various times during the early nineteenth century and the mid twentieth century

Learn About the Bulldog Campeiro


Campeiro Bulldog has its origin on Bulldogs brought to Brazil by European Immigrants since the 16th Century. As cattle raising have for long been very active in the southern Brazil, bulldogs were frequently used to capture “wild” cattle extensively raised in the hostile field environment nearby native forests. These dogs participated in long journeys to capture lost cattle but were mainly maintained in slaughterhouses where they were especially useful for holding furious bulls whenever necessary. Working Bulldogs had an almost natural selection, as those very low-sized animals had disadvantages when traveling long distances and when immobilizing bulls by pulling and holding them. On the other hand, those excessively tall bulldogs resulting from crossing with other breeds used to loose catching instinct and precision of movements becoming especially vulnerable to horn and backward kick. How should be the desirable dog? Body should be strong with a very wide head and powerful jaw. Snout should be wide and strong but not so short as in Modern English Bulldog nor so long as in Bullmastiff in order to enable it to bite and hold bulls independently of its weight. The dog should have calm and watching temperament with an accentuated warrior spirit and loyalty. This temperament should be so obstinate to overcome limits and so controlled that always maintain obedience to commands from the shepherd. Thus, CAMPEIRO BULLDOG was born “naturally selected in the drudgery”.


Dog with a powerful and strong physical constitution indicating strength and agility.
HEAD: large and broad with strong jaw. Skull: very broad and high. Muzzle: broad and short with approximately 1/3 of the skull length. Not as short as in Modern English Bulldog nor as long as in Bullmastiff. Ears: small to medium, rose or button ears set high and wide.

EYES: almond-shaped to round as darker as possible.

LIPS: the chops or “flews” should be semi-pendulous with well-rounded cheeks.

JAWS AND BITE: the lower jaw turned up and protruding (it should project considerably in front of the upper jaw). Very strong bite.

NECK: very strong (muscular) and of moderated size.

FOREQUARTERS :Shoulders: very broad, muscular and slightly sloping. The forelegs should be stout, well boned and straight. Font feet may be straight or slightly out-turned.

HINDQUARTERS: broad and muscular with well developed second thigh denoting strength and power. Hocks should be slightly bent (rear legs neither pigeon-toed or cow hocked).

BODY: back moderately short with a light rise from the shoulders to the rump. Chest: wide and deep with well rounded rips.

TAIL: normally Campeiro Bulldog already born with a shorter (not reaching beyond the hocks) and crooked tail. In cases of long straight tails docked is recommended.

COAT: smooth flat and medium texture. Short coat. All colors are allowed. Dominance of fawn (all variations) and brindle (red, gray or black), as solid or with white. Completely white dogs have been occasionaly born (although not desirable for an outside working dog exposed to intense sun rays). Full black dog have not been recorded.

SIZE: ideal height at the top of the shoulders (withers) between 48 and 58 cm (18.9 and 22.8 inches) and ideal weight for males and females between 35 and 45 kg (77,2 and 99,2 lb).


This extremely courageous dog is very loyal to the owner and docile with the rest of the family. Very versatile and well adapted dog, is calm (do not bark a lot), reserved with strangers and jealous with the master. It is companion, vigilant and confident with a well developed warrior spirit. They love children and accept integrally commands being submissive and loyal to its master.