Cordoba Fighting Dog

The Cordoba was capable of hunting in a small pack of a male and female, otherwise they were likely to turn on their pack-mates.
In 5 Words
- Fierce
- High threshold for pain
- Aggressive
- Strong
- Vigorous
Learn About the Cordoba Fighting Dog
The bloody and cruel sport of dog fighting became extremely popular in the 19th century when bear baiting was banned. Dogs that were once used to rile the bears were developed to fight each other in a dog fighting pit. These fighting dogs are highly prized by dog men as aside from being an exciting and enjoyable spectacle, dog fights involve huge amounts of bet money. The breed was famous for its incredible courage, determination, and ferocity. Although extinct by the mid-20th Century, the Cordoba Fighting Dog’s bloodlines live on in its descendant the Dogo Argentino.
The Cordoba Fighting Dog was also known as the Fighting Dog of Cordoba, the Cordoban Fighting Dog, the Argentine Fighting Dog, and the Perro de Presa de Cordoba. Among the breed’s ancestors, the most notable is the Bull Terrier, which at the time was still used in England for dog fights – at the same time Bull Terriers were being exported to the Indian subcontinent where today their lineage includes the Gull Terr.
This large breed’s appearance is described as a cross between a Mastiff and a Boxer. This dog has a lean compact and well muscled body. The strong shoulders are well muscled and broad. Wide chest provide ample space for heart and lung. The dog has a mediocre nose. Ears are usually cropped. Powerful jaws and strong teeth provide this dog with a vice-like grip. The short coat is predominantly white with dark spots on the head and on the body. Some specimens are seen with fawn, yellow and red coats.
Cordoba Fighting Dog is a very fierce, very aggressive dog with a high threshold for pain… truly the quintessential fighting dog! The dog is strong, vigorous and has immense stamina but it lacks stability. If this breed is still in existence today it is highly probable that this will be one of the banned breeds. The Cordoba Fighting Dog was highly aggressive and fierce, which made it an excellent fighter and hunter.
As a result, were these dogs still around today, they would not made good pets. Cordoba Fighting Dogs were so highly dog aggressive that they preferred fighting to mating, and they often had unstable temperaments. Due to their size, strength and aggression, they would have been dangerous around most people and any other dogs. These dogs traditionally hunted in a pack of two, a male and a female. Larger groups would turn on their pack mates and abandon the hunt in favor of a fight.
Over breeding is one of the reasons why this breed is now extinct. Inbreeding has resulted to deafness, skin problems and other genetic health concerns. However, if this breed is still around today, it would not need an extensive grooming routine. These dogs are usually kept in kennels. They are valued for their fighting abilities rather that for their appearance thus an owner of this breed can get away with occasional coat brushing.