
The Benefits of Raw Feeding

The Benefits of Raw FeedingToday many pets suffer from health conditions that were rare or didn’t even exist before kibble became popular. Diseases like cancer, diabetes, food allergies and obesity are some of the most common health issues in dogs fed commercial or human food. Numerous researches have shown a strong connection between the health problems in dogs and the food they eat.

For this reason there’s a huge shift in the manner dog owners are feeding their pets. The overwhelming trend is moving towards different variations of fresh and healthy homemade meals, as well as raw food, based strictly on meat or a combination of raw meat and vegetables, fruits, eggs and other nutrients suitable for dogs.

It seems that the dogs like the change, especially raw diet which seems to help them overwhelm health issues such as bad breath and gum diseases, skin problems, kidney and liver failures. It seems that balanced diet consisted largely of homemade broth, various combinations of meat, bones, and organs with or without a healthy complement of vegetables, fruits, and dairy prevent illnesses that come with a diet heavy in fillers, flavors, artificial colors and preservatives.

What are the other benefits of raw feeding? If you ask the owners, they will assure you that their pets have clean, shiny and white teeth, fresh breath, and almost no body odor. Raw fed dogs have more energy but, at the same time, are less hyperactive which means that they can be easily controlled. According to some, raw meat makes dogs aggressive but that is not true. The only change is that dogs really love their raw and they will probably try to guard this type of food better than kibble.

What else can forty to sixty per cent of raw meaty bones bring to your dog? Chicken necks, legs, and backs, together with rabbit, duck, pheasant, and occasionally whole fish will give your canine friend a firm and muscled body and stronger immune system. If your dog is old and his teeth are missing so he finds it hard to chew bones or you are afraid of him choking – grind them up. Even the old dogs with arthritis show more mobility and energy when they eat the way their ancestors did.

We all know that vitamins, minerals, and enzymes are destroyed by cooking and that intense heat reduces the nutritional value of food. But did you know that cooked food also affects your dog’s stool? Not to mention the kibbles. When dogs are fed raw the poop is small, almost odorless, firm and easily decomposed. The only difference can be noticed during the period of adaptation to raw after commercial food.

Although there are many benefits of raw food, the fact is that this kind of feeding is still relatively unexplored. This means that some of the benefits mentioned above are not scientifically proved, but information provided by the dog owners. We hope that this will change in the future and that we’ll be able to give you more tips on how to feed your dog.

Untrainable Dog

Expert Tips for Exercising Dogs On Beaches

Whether you live on the beach or plan on taking your dog with you on the summer holiday you will surely do some exercise with him. There are some things you have be careful about when exercising a dog on a beach.

Summer is a season for fun and travel, but it can also bring extremely high temperatures which dogs are more sensitive to than people, and this is something you have to watch out for.

dog exercise on beach

Dogs with a long or middle length hair should be brushed regularly because tangled hair accumulates the heat and the dog may become excessively hot. Nurtured hair should help him overcome this.

Whether you’re going for a run on the beach with your dog or just a walk it is necessary to put a sun lotion on the top of his nose as well as the ears about half an hour before you leave the house. However, it is recommended to exercise early in the morning or in the evening when it’s not too hot. Just think how uncomfortable you feel walking barefoot in the sand! It’s exactly the same for dogs. So even though exercise is good, doing it in the middle of the day on the beach can be a health hazard for your pet.

Some dogs are afraid of water and you shouldn’t make them go for a swim if they don’t want to. You can try to get him slowly in, maybe throw some toys in the shallow water first, then gradually go deeper encouraging and praising him all the way through. Although this will take some time and nerves, you can at least be sure that your dog won’t end up traumatized or hurt. If you can’t get him in the water leave the dog to enjoy in the shade because you surely don’t won’t him to succumb to heat stroke.

Exercising is always good but the weather conditions aren’t. We already established that dogs can overheat and get a stroke and here are some things that can tell you if your dog is having one. Dog’s breathing is loud and heavy, he has bulging eyes and dry skin. Another sign is if the dog isn’t responding to his name, also his heart rate is elevated. Finally the dog collapses, loses conscience and if certain precautions aren’t met, he dies. If your dog is showing signs of a stroke stop the exercise immediately and lower his body temperature. Get him to the shade and give him plenty of water, dip his head in the not too cold water, or very gently pour water over his head.

Keep in mind that dogs such as boxers and bulldogs, puppies, older dogs, overweight dogs and those with health issues are more sensitive and they should be particularly looked out for.

Don’t let these few tips scare you and keep from taking your dog to the beach for some exercise. Use them to make your outing fun and more important – safe.

Dogs Lifespan Vs Human Lifespan – A Comparison

dogs lifespanDogs Lifespan Vs Human Lifespan – A Comparison

Relationship between a dog and a man is probably the closest in the pet’s world. There are hundreds of situations which confirm this theory. No man can love his golden fish, miniature turtle or parrot as much as a dog. Unfortunately, our pet’s life is shorter than ours and the hardest part of the relationship is dealing with the dog’s death.

There is an old calculation which says that one dog year is equal to seven years of human life. This ratio isn’t quite accurate. For example, two months old puppy is indeed developed like a 14 months old human baby but ratio decreases as the dog ages.  So, a one year old dog has aged about as much as a 15 years old human. Still, a 14 years old dog matches an 82 years old man, which corresponds to a ratio of only about 5.8.

Several factors can contribute to the dog’s lifespan. Depending on the breed structure, health and genetics, some dogs can live longer than others. It is interesting that smaller dog breeds live approximately 1.5 times longer than the bigger ones. It’s much easier to Chihuahua’s heart to pump the blood than the heart of a Great Dane. If we make comparison between genders, we will notice similarity to humans. Female dogs are expected to live a year or two longer than males, just like people.

The key to longer and healthier life of your dog is quality nutrition. Top quality dog food will extend dog’s life, especially if combined with neutering or spaying. These methods can reduce the risk for cancer of the reproductive organs. Mental and physical exercise on daily basis can affect your dog’s life span in a good way. Be sure to take special care of your dog’s teeth and gums. According to some veterinarians it can extend your dog’s life up to 4 years. Very good idea is to get your dog vaccinated. Just as it is with humans, many stressful situations can affect dog’s health.

Average life span of dogs is between 13 and 14 and for humans it’s about 67.2 years. Due to better medical care and food, dogs and human life span has increased dramatically over the past 100 years.  People of Japan live the longest with average life span of 82.7 years, while in Mozambique it is only 39.2, which is 40% below world average.

It’s all about the evolution – it dictates how long both humans and dogs will live. Both species have changed and developed over millions of years, with the big difference that humans have slower metabolism and for that reason live longer than dogs. In the coming future it will be possible to extend both life spans. I’m looking forward to see 1.000 year old man with 200 year old dog on the porch in front of their future house.

Average Life Span of Top 10 Breeds

·         Labrador Retriever (12.5 years)

·         German Shepherd Dog (11 years)

·         Golden Retriever (12 years)

·         Boxer (10.5 years)

·         Bulldog (7 years)

·         Poodle (12 years Standard) (15 years Miniature)

·         Chihuahua (13.5)

·         Rottweiler (10 years)

·         Doberman Pinscher (10 years)

·         Cocker Spaniel (12 years).